Linear Motion Systems

We offer a wide range of linear units, from simple manually operated trapezoidal screw-driven units to precise continuous-use ball screw-driven units. Multiple guide options ensure the right unit for every application, with our principal suppliers’ design tools aiding in the selection process. Various protection options and materials provide solutions even for the most challenging conditions.

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Movetec päämies Hiwin logo


Hiwin was founded in Taiwan in 1989. The company’s founder, Eric Y. T. Chou, still serves as the CEO. The group has its own offices in Germany, Japan, the United States, Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, France, Singapore, South Korea, and China. In addition, the company’s reseller network covers all major countries and continents worldwide. Hiwin’s strengths lie in its comprehensive product range combined with global availability.

Get to know the supplier
Movetec päämies Leantechnik-logo


Founded in Germany in 1993, Leantechnik is a manufacturer of precision unit systems. Leantechnik offers an innovative and unique system with nearly unlimited possibilities for synchronized movements. Typical applications include production lines requiring high speeds, frequent repetitions, synchronized movements, and stringent durability requirements for components, all while being easy to maintain and service.

Get to know the supplier

Do you need help? Contact our experts!

Movetec Jere Korhonen

Jere Korhonen

MOVETEC Kim Berghäll

Kim Berghäll

Movetec Waltteri Yliruusi

Waltteri Yliruusi