Moxa’s industrial-grade serial-to-fiber converters transform RS-232/422/485 connections into optical fiber, providing users with a reliable and secure way to connect serial devices to fiber networks. This conversion enables longer transmission distances and reduces electromagnetic interference, which is especially beneficial for critical industrial applications. Known for their durability and reliability, Moxa’s serial-to-fiber converters are designed to operate in demanding industrial environments where stability and interference-free communication are essential.
Moxa’s TCF-142 media converters are equipped with multiple interface circuits, capable of handling RS-232 or RS-422/485 serial connections and multimode or single-mode fiber. TCF-142 converters are used to extend serial transmission up to 5 km with multimode fiber (TCF-142-M) or up to 40 km with single-mode fiber (TCF-142-S). The TCF-142 can be configured to convert either RS-232 or RS-422/485 signals, but not both simultaneously. They are available with common fiber connectors (SC/ST) and support an extended temperature range if needed.