ACE vibration control


vibration isolating pads

SLAB products are versatile damping mats made from a patented PUR material composition. The CEL series products, designed for low frequencies, are made from nitrile rubber and can be installed in layers to increase damping. The robust PAD series textile and elastomer mats are installed in layers, making them a highly durable and multifunctional option. Products from the three different series are available in standard models as well as cut to your desired customized shape.

Kumiset ja metalliset värinänvaimentimet

rubber metal isolators

ACE manufactures a wide range of rubber-metal dampers. Eight standard product categories provide complete solutions for the majority of known vibration-related issues in industrial applications.

Pneumaattiset värinänvaimentimet

Low frequency pneumatic levelling mounts

The PLM series is designed for testing equipment and high-performance machines, providing low-frequency vibration damping at 3 Hz. The PAL series pneumatic dampers feature automatic adjustment. This high-performance version is used in precision and measurement devices.

Do you need help choosing vibration control? Contact our experts!

Movetec Pekka Jokinen

Pekka Jokinen

Movetec Joakim Boijer

Joakim Boijer

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